Farmeye’s purpose is to improve the lives of farmers and the environment. Soil health is the basis of all great farming. Farmeye verify and measure soil health and carbon sequestration on farms and in nature. Farmeye’s technologies allow the food producer, governments and farmers to measure, monitor and demonstrate the sustainability metrics of their farms.


"The traceability aspect allows the food processor to stand over the provenance and sustainability of their products, while with Big Data analytics, farmers can get valuable and practical information about their soils with Farmeye."

Dr. Eoghan Finneran | CEO Farmeye

Regulatory authorities and accreditation bodies are seeking ICT systems to differentiate the sustainable from the unsustainable food production system. Farmeye provides simple, secure and efficient digital systems to manage this.

Features and Functionality:

  • Language options to select for multiple countries
  • Sharing farming related resources from the application
  • Verify and measuring soil health and health on farm and in nature
  • Geo- tag the location of a soil sample sent to the laboratory for analysis
  • Barcoding technology to provide a digital chain of custody for farm level data.

Target Users: Farmers


Technologies Used:

Backend: Java Spring Boot

Frontend: Angular